Anger at alcohol pricing 'U-turn'

Written By Unknown on Rabu, 13 Maret 2013 | 19.21

13 March 2013 Last updated at 07:52 ET

Downing Street has sought to play down reports the government has abandoned plans to introduce minimum alcohol pricing in England and Wales.

A spokesman said the government was considering its response to a consultation and "will set out its approach in due course".

Health campaigners have reacted angrily to reports the plan has been scrapped.

The government had planned to introduce a 45p charge per unit, but this is said to be facing strong cabinet opposition.

Labour said dropping the plans would be a "humiliating climbdown" and accused the government of "weak leadership".

Prime Minister David Cameron supports a minimum unit price, which supporters argue would help reduce the levels of ill-health and crime related to alcohol and prevent practices like "pre-loading" with drink before nights out.

'Death throes'

However, the BBC understands there is now significant pressure within the government for the plan to be dropped, amid opposition from cabinet ministers including Home Secretary Theresa May, whose department is responsible for the policy, Education Secretary Michael Gove and Commons leader Andrew Lansley.

This has angered health campaigners and some Conservative MPs concerned about the health impact of drinking, although others have welcomed the news because they say it will avoid responsible drinkers being unfairly penalised.

BBC political editor Nick Robinson said that while there had been no official confirmation the plans would be dropped, sources involved in the discussion said the policy was "in its death throes".

Conservative MP Sarah Wollaston

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Conservative MP Sarah Wollaston said alcohol was causing ''avoidable deaths''

He said the chancellor was expected to set out the government's approach to alcohol pricing in next week's Budget.

Downing Street said minimum pricing was just one of a range of options being considered to tackle binge drinking, adding: "This has never been about stopping responsible drinking or penalising pubs." He declined to say when ministers would give their response to the consultation.

Conservative MP Tracey Crouch, who backs the plan for a minimum alcohol price, told the BBC the rumoured shift was "more about politics than policy".

"I'm very disappointed to see that Theresa (May) has changed her mind on this policy," she said.

"This is about political manoeuvrings perhaps rather than actually looking at the long-term health of the nation."

The Home Office said it was considering all representations to its consultation on the measure and would report back in due course.

If a 45p unit price were to be introduced, a can of strong lager could not be sold for less than £1.56 or a bottle of wine for less than £4.22.

'Blunderbuss policy'

The department is also considering banning multi-buy promotions, such as two-for-the-price-of-one.

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Minimum pricing had always seemed an odd fit. In opposition, neither the Tories nor the Lib Dems had been that vocal in calling for it.

In fact, Andrew Lansley, who was the health secretary for the first two years of this government, was opposed to it.

However, slowly but surely, it began to gather momentum. First, a 40p threshold was put forward and then - at the end of last year - 45p was proposed and consulted on.

That would have been ground-breaking. Along with Scotland, England and Wales looked set to become one of a very select band of countries to try to tackle problem drinking in this way.

Research has suggested a 45p minimum could reduce drinking by 4.3%, potentially saving 2,000 lives within a decade. This was why the idea had such strong backing from the medical profession.

But using price is a crude tool. As well as hitting problem drinkers, it would also influence those who consume alcohol in moderation. Dropping the plan may win ministers votes, but it won't make them popular with doctors.

Tory MP and ex-GP Dr Sarah Wollaston told BBC Radio 4's Today programme that she was "devastated" at reports minimum pricing would be dropped, describing problem drinking as "an absolute health crisis".

"We know that whenever alcohol is too cheap, people die," she said. "If the chancellor wants a message from me, it's that we're already paying a huge amount to clear up the cost of this - around £21bn a year just to deal with the crime, violence and medical costs of it."

She said any rise in alcohol duty would not tackle the problem of supermarkets discounting alcohol at very cheap prices, around 22p a unit, which was "causing carnage".

But fellow Conservative, former shadow home secretary David Davis described minimum pricing as a "blunderbuss policy" which would punish responsible drinkers on low incomes and pensioners.

He said there was no evidence minimum pricing worked because "alcoholics are not sensitive about the pennies". He called for more to be done to stop shops selling alcohol to under-age drinkers and make pubs deal with drunk people on their premises.

Dr Vivienne Nathanson, director of professional activities at the British Medical Association, said she was surprised to hear rumours of the climbdown as she believed Mr Cameron was "quite clearly in favour of it".

She added: "[Mr Cameron must] be courageous. This is a once in lifetime opportunity to save lives and save the country money."

'Weak government'

But the Wine and Spirit Trade Association said recent figures showed alcohol consumption was falling and there was little evidence showing that a minimum price would reduce problem drinking.

"Minimum unit pricing would penalise responsible drinkers and treat everyone who is looking for value in their shopping as a binge-drinker," said the body's chief executive Miles Beale.

For Labour, Diana Johnson said: "Theresa May and David Cameron have announced a minimum alcohol price twice in the last 12 months.

"Now we hear reports the home secretary has changed her mind on her own policy and wants to U-turn. This is weak leadership and weak government."

Devolution has meant different strategies have been developing to tackle rising rates of problem drinking across the UK.

In addition to the 45p consultation in England and Wales, in Scotland a 50p price is set to be introduced.

Northern Ireland is yet to put forward a specific proposal, although it is reviewing pricing.

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