Archbishop condemns benefit changes

Written By Unknown on Minggu, 10 Maret 2013 | 19.21

10 March 2013 Last updated at 07:02 ET

The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has warned changes to the benefit system could drive children and families into poverty.

He said society had a duty to support the "vulnerable and in need".

His comments backed an open letter from bishops criticising plans to limit rises in working-age benefits and some tax credits to 1% for three years.

The Department for Work and Pensions said tough decisions were necessary to keep costs of welfare sustainable.

Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper told the BBC's Andrew Marr Show that Archbishop Welby was "absolutely right" to speak out and described the proposals as "immoral".

Civilised society

The welfare bill will be debated in the Lords next week and bishops in the house have tabled an amendment in an attempt to see child-related benefits made exempt.

The letter in the Sunday Telegraph from the 43 Church of England bishops, which calls on politicians to "protect" children and families, has also been supported by the Archbishop of York, the Most Reverend John Sentamu.

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When times are hard, that duty should be felt more than ever, not disappear or diminish"

End Quote Justin Welby Archbishop of Canterbury

In a statement, Archbishop Welby said: "Politicians have a clear choice. By protecting children from the effects of this bill, they can help fulfil their commitment to end child poverty."

He said planned benefit changes, which would cap rises in welfare payments for the next three years, would exact a large price on families.

The archbishop said a "civilised society" had a duty to support the vulnerable.

"When times are hard, that duty should be felt more than ever, not disappear or diminish," he said.

He said the current system recognised rising costs of food, fuel and housing by giving benefit rises in line with inflation.

"These changes will mean it is children and families who will pay the price for high inflation, rather than the government," he said.

The statement is his first major intervention in political life since he was named in his new role in November. He is due to be formally enthroned at Canterbury Cathedral on 21 March.

The BBC's religious affairs correspondent Robert Pigott said Archbishop Welby's comments would be interpreted as a rebuke to ministers.

It suggests tackling poverty will be a priority for him as the Church's leader, our correspondent added.

BBC political correspondent Tim Reid said if the bishops' amendment to the bill was successful and later approved by MPs, it would cause difficulty for the chancellor as he would then need to rethink his figures for the overall welfare budget.

'Hardship penalty'

In their letter, the bishops said they were concerned 200,000 children could be pushed into poverty.

"Children and families are already being hit hard by cuts to support, including those to tax credits, maternity benefits and help with housing costs," they write.

"They cannot afford this further hardship penalty. We are calling on the House of Lords to take action to protect children from the impact of this bill."

The letter is in support of a campaign by the Children's Society which it said has also received support from the Roman Catholic and Methodist Churches, the Baptist Union, the United Reform Church and the Evangelical Alliance.

Speaking to the BBC, Ms Cooper said Labour was against the 1% cap.

"They should just have the benefits go forward linked to inflation this year," the shadow home secretary said.

"You could do it by paying for it by restricting pensions tax relief on the very highest earners. That would be a fair way to help everybody."

She added new mothers would lose £180 a year in maternity benefits as a result of the 1% cap.

"I think it is pretty simple on Mother's Day to say that the government should help mums not millionaires," she said.

The former Lib Dem leader Paddy Ashdown defended the coalition's record on helping poorer families but said "I don't think we can get ourselves out of the economic mess that we're in without people having a price to pay".

A Department for Work and Pensions spokeswomen said: "In difficult economic times we've protected the incomes of pensioners and disabled people, and most working age benefits will continue to increase 1%.

"This was a tough decision but it's one that will help keep the welfare bill sustainable in the longer term.

"By raising the personal allowance threshold we've lifted two million people out of tax altogether, clearly benefiting people on a low income."

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