Falklands holds vote over UK status

Written By Unknown on Minggu, 10 Maret 2013 | 19.21

10 March 2013 Last updated at 06:08 ET
Boat and phone box in the Falklands

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The islanders are keen to send out a clear signal to Argentina and the rest of the world with their referendum this weekend

The population of the Falkland Islands is going to the polls on Sunday and Monday in a referendum on whether to remain a British overseas territory.

Argentina has constantly reiterated its claims to the islands, 30 years after it was repelled by a British Task Force in a 74-day conflict.

The islanders decided to hold the vote in response to Argentine pressure for negotiations over sovereignty.

The tiny community is expected to overwhelmingly back remaining British.

But a "yes" vote backing the status quo is unlikely to resolve the dispute.

Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner has said the inhabitants' wishes are not relevant in what is a territorial issue.

Most Argentines regard the islands, which they call Las Malvinas, as Argentine and their recovery is enshrined in the national constitution.

Falkland Islanders will have their voices heard in the referendum, with 1,672 people eligible to vote out of the islands' total population of about 2,900.

Dick Sawle, a member of the island's legislative assembly, played a leading part in pushing for the vote to happen.

He told the BBC's Andrew Marr Show he hoped the result would reaffirm the principle of self-determination and send a message to both the international community and to Argentines.

"I would hope that whilst the government of Argentina may not listen to us, I hope the people... will listen to us, because I think there are many people within Argentina who are not in tune with their government."

He rejected Ms Kirchner's suggestion that they were an "implanted" population, saying the Falklands had been settled throughout history in the same way as South America, but with no indigenous population to displace.

Woman in coffee shop

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Staff and customers at the Bittersweet Cafe in Stanley talk about being islanders

Despite the clarity of the history, he added, there was the fundamental right to self-determination "to which no-one can attach conditions".

BBC defence correspondent Caroline Wyatt, in Port Stanley, said that in the cafes and shops of the Falklands capital there was no mistaking the sentiment - union flags fly everywhere from cars to bunting in the windows, and posters ask islanders to vote "yes" to staying British.

Julie Clarke, owner of the Bittersweet cafe, said: "Without a shadow of a doubt, it'll be a big fat 'yes'. These are our islands, this is our home, and I think the rest of the world needs to hear us and see us for who we are."

Pam Devino, who runs a beauty salon, said: "Really, hopefully, that will get Argentina to back off, stop giving us so much hassle and it will let Britain know as well that we want to be British and part of them, and we're thankful for their support."

Ten international observers will oversee the vote, including ones from Chile and Mexico, despite an Argentine request for Latin American countries not to take part.

Continue reading the main story
  • Argentina says it inherited the islands from the Spanish crown in 1767 and the islands were seized by Britain in 1833
  • But Britain says it had long previously established a settlement there and never relinquished sovereignty
  • It says it has continuously inhabited and administered the islands since 1833

There are mobile polling stations, some of which will have to be flown out to and from the outer islands, hence the voting being held over two days.

Those who cannot vote include those aged under 18 and people who are not Falkland islanders.

Some Argentines living on the islands have "Falklands status" which makes them eligible to vote.

Argentine forces invaded the Falkland Islands on 2 April 1982, entering the capital Port Stanley early in the morning.

The garrison of Royal Marines was overwhelmed and other British South Atlantic territories including South Georgia were also seized.

In two months of fighting, 255 British and about 650 Argentine servicemen were killed, along with three Falklands civilians, before Argentine forces surrendered.

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