Francis' challenging papacy begins

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 14 Maret 2013 | 19.21

14 March 2013 Last updated at 07:04 ET
Cardinal Bergoglio of Argentina

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Cardinal Bergoglio addresses the crowd in Rome as Pope Francis

Pope Francis has begun his first day at the helm of the Catholic Church, attempting to set out his vision for his papacy amid a testing schedule.

He will lead cardinals in his first Mass, begin appointing senior Vatican staff and may visit his predecessor, Benedict, Pope Emeritus.

The first Latin American and Jesuit pope has received a flood of goodwill messages from around the world.

But the Argentine also faces a series of tough challenges.

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Pope Francis will deal with the problems of his Church first of all prayerfully rather than as a CEO coming in with a new broom. We are not dealing with a normal business corporation but with a vast worldwide community of believers and prayerful people.

But the fact that the new Pope will meet the media before anyone else at a special audience on Saturday morning shows a vivid awareness that prayer may not be enough to deal with the situation facing the Catholic Church at this critical moment in its long history.

Francis is a Jesuit, a member of perhaps the most powerful and experienced religious order of the Catholic Church. The Jesuits are expert communicators and it is significant that one of the first people summoned to meet the new Pope this morning was Father Federico Lombardi, head of Vatican Radio (run for many years by the Jesuits) and the Vatican Press Office.

Under Pope Benedict, Father Lombardi was a mere functionary who had no direct access to the Pope. He could not pick up the phone and talk things through quickly - he just received orders from the Vatican Secretariat of State. That has now changed overnight.

The Church has been dogged by infighting and scandals over clerical sex abuse and alleged corruption.

Thursday morning saw Pope Francis begin the day with a visit to Rome's main basilica dedicated to the Virgin Mary, Santa Maria Maggiore, for a private prayer.

"He spoke to us cordially like a father," Reuters news agency quoted Father Ludovico Melo, a priest who prayed with the Pope, as saying. "We were given 10 minutes' advance notice that the Pope was coming."

The election of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio shocked many onlookers when it was revealed on Wednesday.

Although he reportedly came second to Pope Benedict XVI during the 2005 conclave, few had predicted the election of the first pope from outside Europe in 1,300 years.

Pope Francis will return to the Sistine Chapel on Thursday afternoon, scene of his election, to celebrate Mass with the cardinals.

Over the weekend, he will meet the world's media at a special papal audience, an opportunity perhaps to set out some of his global vision, says the BBC's diplomatic correspondent, James Robbins, in Rome.

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"Start Quote

Once more the Church chooses as the head of the Vatican a promoter of hate toward social diversity and a model of homophobia and disdain for sexual minorities"

End Quote Santiago Times editorial

Pope Francis had been greeted by crowds roaring their approval when he appeared at the balcony overlooking St Peter's Square on Wednesday evening, about an hour after white smoke rose from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel to announce to the world that a new pontiff had been elected.

"It seems that my brother cardinals have gone to the ends of the earth [to find a pope]," Francis said wryly, referring to his native Argentina.

"Now, we take up this journey... A journey of fraternity, of love, of trust among us," he said.

He endeared himself to the crowds - and underlined his reputation for humility - when he asked them to bless him before blessing them in return.

Later, according to the New York Archbishop Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Pope Francis shunned a special car and security detail provided to take him to the Vatican - "I'll just go with the guys [cardinals] on the bus," Cardinal Dolan quoted him as saying.

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At the dinner itself, Cardinal Dolan said the Pope had made the cardinals laugh when he referred to the seven days of meetings that led to his election, saying: "I am going to sleep well tonight and something tells me you are too."

Gruelling schedule

The 76-year-old from Buenos Aires is the first pope to take the name of Francis - reminiscent of Francis of Assisi, the 13th Century Italian reformer and patron saint of animals, who lived in poverty.

The new Pope faces a gruelling schedule over coming days, with a visit to his predecessor Benedict XVI at his retreat at Castel Gandolfo outside Rome reportedly planned, as well as audiences with his cardinals, the media and the faithful.

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Pope's next steps

  • Thursday: Pope celebrates Mass with cardinals in Sistine Chapel - closed to public but televised
  • Friday: Pope meets all cardinals, including those over 80 who did not take part in conclave
  • Saturday: Papal audience with media
  • Sunday: Pope recites Angelus with faithful in St Peter's Square
  • Tuesday: Pope formally installed at Mass in St Peter's Square

The visit to Benedict is important, correspondents say, as the existence of a living retired pope has prompted fears of a possible rival power.

Francis will be installed officially in an inauguration Mass on Tuesday 19 March, the Vatican said.

His election was met with thunderous applause at the cathedral in Buenos Aires and with delight and surprise elsewhere in Latin America - home to 40% of the world's 1.2 billion Catholics.

Guillermo Lopez Mirau from Salta, Argentina, said he was delighted with Cardinal Bergoglio's election.

"People here are overjoyed. You can hear sirens and church bells ringing in the air."

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Pope Francis

  • Born Jorge Mario Bergoglio on 17 December 1936 (age 76) in Buenos Aires, of Italian descent
  • Ordained as a Jesuit in 1969
  • Studied in Argentina and Germany
  • Became Cardinal of Buenos Aires in 1998
  • Seen as orthodox on sexual matters but strong on social justice

US President Barack Obama sent "warm wishes" on behalf of the American people to the newly elected pontiff, hailing the Argentine as "the first pope from the Americas".

The new leader of the world's Anglicans, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, said he was looking forward to "walking and working together".

And Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner - who is said to have clashed with the Argentine archbishop in the past over issues including gay marriage - wished the pontiff a "fruitful pastoral mission".

Pope Francis takes the helm at a difficult time for the Catholic Church, facing an array of challenges which include the role of women, interfaith tensions and dwindling congregations in some parts of the world.

Cardinal Bergoglio, who was not among the frontrunners before the election, is regarded as a doctrinal conservative.

But he is also seen as a potential force for reform of the Vatican bureaucracy, which may have won the support of reforming cardinals.

Pope Francis will come under strong pressure to reform the Curia, the governing body of the Church.

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