Taliban school massacre kills scores

Written By Unknown on Selasa, 16 Desember 2014 | 19.22

16 December 2014 Last updated at 12:03
An injured boy with two other children by his bedside

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Local TV pictures showed injured children and adults after the gunmen opened fire during a school ceremony, as Azizullah Khan reports

At least 126 people, mostly children, have been killed in a Taliban assault on an army-run school in the Pakistani city of Peshawar, officials say.

Five or six militants are said to have entered the building. Five are reported to have been killed, at least one of them in a suicide blast.

The army says most of the 500 students have been evacuated. It is not clear if any are still inside.

The attack is being seen as one of the worst-ever in Pakistan.

The BBC's Shahzeb Jillani in Karachi says the militants appear to have been intent on killing as many students as possible - rather than taking hostages, as initially thought.

Thousands of Pakistanis have been killed in militant violence in recent years - but the latest attack has caused unprecedented shock.

A spokesman for the militants told BBC Urdu that the school had been targeted in response to army operations.

Hundreds of Taliban fighters are thought to have died in a recent military offensive in North Waziristan and the nearby Khyber area.

Many of the casualties were reportedly caused by a suicide blast. At least 80 of the dead are said to be children.

The attack started at 10:00 local time (05:00 GMT). Mudassir Awan, a worker at the school, said he had seen six people scaling the walls of the school.

"We thought it must be the children playing some game," he told Reuters news agency. "But then we saw a lot of firearms with them.

"As soon as the firing started, we ran to our classrooms," he said. "They were entering every class and they were killing the children."

A school worker and a student interviewed by the local Geo TV station said the attackers had entered the Army Public School's auditorium, where a military team was conducting first-aid training for students.

Locals reported hearing the screams of students and teachers. The dead are said to include teachers, as well as a paramilitary soldier.

Gunfire and explosions were heard as security forces hunted down the militants.

Ambulances have been carrying the injured to nearby hospitals. Helicopters are also in the area. Major roads in Peshawar have been sealed off.

A doctor at the local Lady Reading hospital said many of the students were in "very bad condition", with head wounds.

Frantic parents are gathering at hospitals to find out if their children are safe.

The school is near a military cantonment in Peshawar, which has seen some of the worst of the violence during the Taliban insurgency in recent years.

Many of the students were the children of military personnel. Most of them would have been aged 16 or under.

Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who has just arrived in Peshawar, described the attack as a "national tragedy".

The Pakistani opposition politician and former cricket captain Imran Khan condemned the attack as "utter barbarism".

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