Richard III reburial service starts

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 26 Maret 2015 | 19.21

Actor Benedict Cumberbatch with Canon Michael Harrison ahead of the reinterment service
Actor Benedict Cumberbatch will read a specially-written poem during the service

The service to mark the reburial of King Richard III has begun at Leicester Cathedral.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, The Most Rev Justin Welby, is presiding over the service with local senior clergy and representatives of world faiths.

Sophie, Countess of Wessex and the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester are among the guests.

Actor Benedict Cumberbatch, a distant relation of the king, will read a poem by Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy.

A procession and commemoration service are also planned in York.

The king's remains were found beneath a Leicester car park in 2012.

Jubilee Square
A big screen in Jubilee Square will televise the service at Leicester Cathedral
Leicester Cathedral
The Queen's Division Band and musicians from the Royal Signals Band marched to the cathedral

Thousands of people lined the streets as the last Plantagenet king's coffin was taken on a procession through the county on Sunday.

Across three days this week, more than 20,000 people also queued for hours to view the coffin in the cathedral.

Richard III coffin
Crowds adorned Richard III's coffin with white roses as it travelled to the cathedral on Sunday

The procession ahead of the service is making its way through the city centre to the cathedral.

The Dean of Leicester, the Very Reverend David Monteith, told BBC Today the ceremony would be an "extraordinary, moving thing".

"There are no mourners. Instead it's much more of a hello, a welcome, a recognition of our history," he said.

"Also [it's] a recognition of the pain of what happened to him, the humiliation he suffered after death - which is really not what we would want for any human being and the church would want to point to his dignity."

Crowds gather for Richard III interment
The reinterment procession began at the Guildhall and made its way through the city centre

Also invited to attend the service are 200 members of the public, following a ballot and representatives of those involved in finding and identifying the remains.

Communities who live in the vicinity of the battle site and known descendants from the Battle of Bosworth have also been invited.

The cathedral will fully reopen to the public on Friday when the king's sealed tomb will be revealed.

In York, a choral evensong will be held at York Minster at 17:15 GMT followed by a commemoration service.

A procession led by the civic party and senior clergy will then make its way through the city from 18:20 GMT and end at Mansion House.

Richard III coffin and remains
The king's skeleton was sealed inside a lead-lined inner casket known as an ossuary last week

The reburial has not been without controversy. Campaigners who petitioned for Richard III to be reburied in York have described the events in Leicester over the last week as a "pantomime".

Richard, the last English king to die in battle, was killed at Bosworth Field in 1485, at the end of the Wars of the Roses.

Richard III skull next to facial reconstruction
Richard III's remains were found under a car park in Leicester in 2012

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